
Friday, March 23, 2012

Behind the Scenes Week 2

There were plenty of on lookers and crowd cheers this week in the studio.  See:

Yeah, I know.  But in all seriousness, I had Mailey on top of me every time I went to the studio this week (sometimes annoying, sometimes not).  She even made her own little encaustic.  I swear, when she starts High School art classes her teachers are either going to be totally annoyed with her advanced abilities in strange mediums and not know what to do with her or just let her do her own thing and pray she doesn't burn the building down.

With wax you can do a multitude of techniques.  Prior to making the #2 canvas this week I messed around with layering.  Some made it to the sell in shows pile, others made it to the what the heck was I thinking need to paint over pile!  But all a learning experience nonetheless.  Here I started with a paper doily as a mask.  Then made this crazy organic green center.  Then started doodling....then layered more medium on top of everything...then doodled some more and added color.  The stepped back and said a-ha!  I think I am figuring this out a bit.  Then messed it all up with too hot a medium and had to fix, then repaint, re-carve, a said, a learning curve week.  But I love the end result.  Because it is so off the common thread.  It's a freeing feeling to do something out of the norm.  So the question will I keep up the doodle abstracts?  Not sure.  But I did enjoy it!

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