
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Oh Week 16

Week've been fun.  William is at the beach with the Palmer's.  Mailey has loved being an only child.  And yes, we totally did the GDO yesterday complete with Waffle House waffles, toenail painting, Southern Living Design House tour, vintage shopping and lunch at Founders.  Lovely day!!  The other days have been filled with getting me back into running and studio time.  I am a busy bee getting ready for the Revival of Vintage Marketplace this weekend.  Very exciting to be doing a new show.  I can not wait to set up the vignettes with my vintage finds and artwork.  And pillows, and mini yarn wreaths and totes and more!!  Going to be great.

I have been painting too.  Just one.  #17.  I didn't paint anything new for the show this weekend.  I was too busy making other new stuff!  But 17 is sweet.  Not done, but sweet.  We are headed to the pool, then gotta load the van and truck and THEN I will finish the painting.  Because starting at 9am tomorrow until Sunday night my world will be SHOWTIME!  Man I love shows.  Although my semi-retirement is a good thing.  Yeah, this is it until May for me.  Sigh.  Monday I'll remember again why I am taking a break.  But right now is the fun part!
 Mailey snuck down and got this photo of me working.   She freaks me out with her stealth sneak-ups on me in the studio.  It's like a game to her to get down the stairs and into my space without being noticed and then freak me out!   I look so serious...when you see the subject you'll wonder why I was so serious.  Anyhoo....see ya back soon with #17 finished!!

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